Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails was formulated in the year 1993 with a little inspiration from Python, Lisp, Smalltalk, Perl, Ada and Eiffel.

Why use Ruby On Rails ?

Ruby on Rails, a language stronger than Perl and more object-oriented than Python. It is being developed with increasing productivity and joy of a programmer in mind, as an alternative to machine efficiency. The language ought to reduce confusion. It is comfortable to work with and to love using Ruby.

Advantages to Ruby:

  1. Refined
  2. Powerful
  3. Easy to decipher
  4. Brief

Advantages of Ruby on Rails:

Ruby on Rails is compact, elegant and an amusing way to build web apps fast. The primary advantage of Rails is the easy syntax, which is very close to natural language.

Due to its said nature, it is highly preferred by the beginners and on the long-run, the programming component for any application is lighter to maintain. Since it is a part of an open source collaboration, Rails is available for anyone for free of cost and expert users can with ease alter or improve the code as per their need.

Hundreds of thousands of gems and plug-ins are available for free, which allow for extra functionality and extensive customization to a user’s final webpage or application alike.

Some other quality of RoR is its adaptability, which makes it possible for developers to explore and research multiple programming prototypes, a feature which is unavailable in Java or PHP. This versatility and flexibility play a critical purpose in decreasing the overall configuration and coding demands required for creating a new page or application.

It directly leads to significant time savings for the developers working directly on the project, the company, and the customer. Furthermore, codes produced with Rails are easily recycled, reused and also altered for use in other projects.

With Ruby on Rails, almost all of the very useful and popular gems and plugins, are very strictly documented. You got to be happy with that one! Just head over to and begin hunting there. You will discover links to most of the beneficial manuals there.

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails:

Ruby on Rails, the web framework, isn’t as comfortable to learn as it appears to be. If you wish to do small scale projects, you can implement Rails right out of the box and do well. For relatively large scale projects, you will have to go beyond basics and understand more of the underpinnings and then it becomes a little difficult.

Then you will look to applying gems and plugins, and you will have to learn and understand and use more. It is normal, for any language for that matter, to be a little difficult to get the initial kick unless you have prior experience in the field.

What I am trying to express is that Rails is not a simple guaranteed solution for any difficult problem. You will do good if you keep learning more and more daily keeping a strict routine.

You’ll find people complaining that it is arduous to find Railers to hire. It is false. In fact, it is very hard to find great programmers in any language today. Sure, PHP, Java and .NET have vast multitudes of developers, but I will say, out of my experience, that finding or hiring if I am lucky, 1 great programmer out of 200 resumes is a big catch.

Moreover, I am not exaggerating. It just doesn’t matter if you have hundreds of developers out there that just can’t work feasible code.

In that case, Rails is not failing.

When it comes to performance, let’s be truly honest and accept that Ruby on Rails is comparably not as fast as apps written in the Java or C languages and platforms.

Nevertheless, the truth is that for most of the Ruby on Rails apps ARE considerably fast enough. We may name just a little over 100 solutions all over the world that need all, for instance, Java’s resources.

Lots of high profile companies have committed their business to Rails and didn’t regret their decision. For example, AirBnB, Channel 5, Yellow Pages and Groupon are just a few of them.

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Runtime Speed

The most mentioned controversy against ROR is that it is “slow”. Majority will agree, surely once you compare it to the runtime speed of GoLang or NodeJS.

Although in reality, a Ruby application’s performance is extremely unlikely to slow down a business. In 99% of cases, the choking point is going to somewhere else, such as inside the engineering team, server architecture or even databases, etc.

Once you substantially scale, this is when you have to worry about Rails’ runtime speed, when you are most likely to have a fabulously successful app (consider the size of Twitter) and will experience lots of scaling issues to address.

Boot Speed

The primary annoyance I find out from developers doing work in Rails is the boot speed of the Rails framework. Depending upon some gem dependencies and file registers, it can take up to 3 minutes to start up. It affects the performance and stability.

In the newest versions of Rails this has been relatively battled by the debut of Spring, but we [the developers] sense, this could still be a little faster.


There are these types of occurrences for fairly every programming language out there, and you’ll discover causes for them all. If at all, you are working on releasing an original application for the web, then I would suggest you build it in Ruby, NodeJS, Python or GoLang.

However, why do you want to use ROR?

Ruby has a vast and practical ecosystem.

A programming language’s ecosystem is crucial for various reasons:

  1. Existing code that you the great advantage over — Ruby has pre-coded frameworks and libraries like ROR and Chef. You can use this as an extension for your own personal or professional projects.
    Why do you want to pass time reinventing the wheel while somebody else has managed to do that for you? Ruby even has its own eco-system to manage frameworks and libraries, named RubyGems. There are presently over 60,000 libraries!
  2. Documentation and Support— A manual plays a significant role in every developer’s life. You’ll be surfing through the documentation as you work. Just trying to connect to a database? The screaming for help gets directly to documentation.
    When you are working on your code, there will be a quite a lot of “first times” where you’ll require great access to good documentation/manual.
  3. Learning Hub — Ruby has large amounts of learning material from which you can choose. There’s plenty of books, in-person courses, screencasts, and sometimes even developer boot camps committed to teaching and learning Ruby.
    There are a bunch of free learning material flying across the Internet, A good one: Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby.
  4. The Army of Community —Have any troubles with the programming problem? Look for a Ruby mailing list or a chat room or even web forums and don’t ever look back!
    The community of Ruby is made full with ample developers who love helping out noobs. Make sure you give back once you are an expert. There are even Ruby User Groups, where developers fond of Ruby set up meetings in person to talk about, discuss and learn from each other.

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Here’s something to refresh your mind:

Joke:  What kind of a chick would a Rails guy date?
Answer: A fat model

I hope you’ve enjoyed the article and that you’ve taken something knowledgeable with you, feel free to share it with anyone whom you feel might need to read this to change their mindset on Ruby on Rails.

If you feel like a changed man, speak your thoughts below and I shall reach back to you as soon as I can.

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